I've seen soOoOo many "Squat Challenges" lately and I'm definitely up for the challenge!
However, all the challenges I was finding were going by day of the month.
So I took to my handy dandy Google pal and found one that I like better. Plus this one has a well-squatted tushy you can use as motivation :)
I also love that this one started at 50 squats because it just so happens I did 50 yesterday so I already get to advance to 5 extra squats. Go me! Except you know how you usually feel that terrible muscle pain about two days after your workout...yea....nope...feelin' it today...and BAD! I can barely walk right now. I'm basically slowly sashaying down the office hallways :/
But....it's the BEST feeling to "walk" and feel all those muscles I just worked to death hurting with every step I take. It's like "Hi, I'm hidden thigh muscle you never knew existed until now".
IMPORTANT:::Make sure you do your squats the right way. Take a look at this girl's blog...and where I learned the proper way to squatski right...here! Pretty interesting huh...squat like a baby? WhoOoda Thunk?!
Anyways...get ya squat on!
Anyways...get ya squat on!