March 28, 2013

Squats! Squats! Squats!

I've seen soOoOo many "Squat Challenges" lately and I'm definitely up for the challenge! 
However, all the challenges I was finding were going by day of the month. 
So I took to my handy dandy Google pal and found one that I like better. Plus this one has a well-squatted tushy you can use as motivation :)

I also love that this one started at 50 squats because it just so happens I did 50 yesterday so I already get to advance to 5 extra squats. Go me! Except you know how you usually feel that terrible muscle pain about two days after your workout...yea....nope...feelin' it today...and BAD! I can barely walk right now. I'm basically slowly sashaying down the office hallways :/'s the BEST feeling to "walk" and feel all those muscles I just worked to death hurting with every step I take. It's like "Hi, I'm hidden thigh muscle you never knew existed until now".

IMPORTANT:::Make sure you do your squats the right way. Take a look at this girl's blog...and where I learned the proper way to squatski! Pretty interesting huh...squat like a baby? WhoOoda Thunk?!

Anyways...get ya squat on!

I will cut you!...Ode to pregnancy! pretty much the best thing ever.
And pretty much exactly how it goes.

source [here]

I can honestly say I far...the most nervous pregnant woman ever!!!! Every single little thing I felt...or didn't feel...or thought I felt...or wished I'd felt
I am a first class, president, queeeen of Googling!
Google has all your answers, people!
Or..I guess I should say...Google points you to all your answer dreams!
I love Google.

Anyways...I would go through all that stress, pain and sickness allllllllllllllllll over again if it meant I was going to be blessed with this little guy.
He is worth all the pain in the world!

March 27, 2013

A Little Bloglovin?


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

March 26, 2013

Glazed regret

There they are.
Just sitting there.

And they are the one and only type of donut I like...GLAZED!
I swear someone around the office is trying to sabotage my weight loss goal.
This little "gift" of random junk food appears in the office at least once a week to tease me!
One day...I know I will be able to ignore them. 
But until then...this is pretty much how it goes:

I walk in the break room kitchen, 
The "gift" box is taped shut.
I grab what I came in the kitchen for and leave.
I come back a little later,
the box is now open.
I peek inside.
But damn...they look so...glazey.
NO KYLEE...that's like 300 calories you don't need!
Stay on track you fatty!
Well, I could work it off in the gym tonight.
But then that leaves 300 other calories I could burn instead...damn.
I touch one.
I grab it.
Oh well, I'll burn 300 calories just from breast-feeding today.
I eat it.
Shiiiiiit....damnit wasn't even that good!

Moral of this random story? I'm really trying to work on my self control because I always find an excuse to give myself something I really want! However, I know I want this awesome body I'm envisioning one day I'll learn! <3

March 19, 2013

I am soOoOo in love with all the adorable sandals that are anywhere and everywhere right now! Summer is coming up and everywhere you look you can find the cutest sandals and a lot of them are so well priced!! Here is part of my lovely collection and where you can find them...or at least cute ones just like them!! And the good news is most of them are $30 or less!! 

Back Row: 

Red Gladiator: Charlotte Russe, similar here & here!
Black T-Sandal: Lulu's (just bought these last week but they appear to be sold out), similar here, here & here! Nevermind...found the exact ones here!! :)
White Studded: Cannot for the life of me remember where I got these but similar here!

Middle Row: 

White T-Sandal: Agaci here! && super cute mint ones here!
Black Gladiator: Charlotte Russe, similar here and here!
Pink T-Sandal: Charlotte Russe, similar here and here!

Front Row: 

Silver Loop Sandal: Agaci, similar here and here!
Silver Strappy: Agaci here!


March 18, 2013

Hey Guys! It's me...Kylee ;)

N.E.W B.L.O.G.G.E.R :)) 

I could not be more excited that this blog is finally up and ready! I have been working on it *in my brain* for a few weeks now...and it has finally come together after lots of "how to set up a blog on blogger" research....shit ain't easy! Pretty sure I now have a self-given associates degree in HTML...given to me by! Thanks Goog ;)

I used to have a blog on another site that I started last year before I found out I was with child :)) (Roycie Bear's his name...nickname). That blogging time was replaced with my head in a toilet, backaches in bed, tears for no reason, waddling like a champ, hormones galore and nonstop worry about this new addition...SHIT AIN'T EASY! Thank God for the love of my life Christopher...never left my side...not once. Nine strait months (really ten...they lie to you) of dealing with me and I'm shocked he's still with me ;) But now we have our beautiful, tiny little monster (almost 5 months now) and my world has filled with more joy than I can handle! He's amazing. Babies are all they are cracked up to be! w*o*n*d*e*r*f*u*l...and now I can say the famous words everyone says: I Have Never Loved Something So Much! Check him out below...and fall in love with me! (about three months here...more pics coming soon). Enjoy <3