April 15, 2013


I have a little bit of an issue....with self discipline. Basically I spoil myself. 
If I want it...I get it.
If I want to do it...I do it.
If I don't want to do it...I don't do it.

This was my workout dilemma up until recently. I would constantly...and I'm talking for a good couple of months strait...be nagging about:
--how much I hated my body after having the baby
--how I was so tired all the time
--how all I wanted to wear was yoga pants and a t-shirt because it's all I felt good in
--how none of my clothes looked good on me anymore
--how my big ol' breastfeeding boobs literally fit into no bras...anywhere...not even maternity stores (had to special order...that's how big these milk jugs are)

I wasn't gaining weight...I just wasn't losing those last 15 pounds from baby man. I'm sorry but I thought breastfeeding was supposed to make me melt to a smaller size then before I was pregnant???? Someone...everyone...lied to me!

Anyways...three weeks ago I was sick of nagging about myself and decided it was time to start feeling good. ALL I wanted was to feel good about myself again. And be healthy. Baby boy is 5 months now...it's time.

But...since the first 30 days of working out are the hardest...and I'm such a me pleaser...I had to find a way to make myself accountable...literally MAKE myself workout.

So I did this:

Right on my vanity mirror....the place I stand at in the morning, night and sometimes throughout the day...so I could literally stare my progress...or non-progress in the face. 
I'm marking what I do each day and big fatty fat red lines on the days I didn't workout. 
(Except for the squat challenge...I do that every day no matter what!) 

This method holds me completely accountable for what I'm doing. I want to see results...& I'll do whatever I need to to get there! I want to be wearing WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT TO...not skimming endlessly through my closet just trying to find something I'm comfortable in! The time is now! I'm ready to be the me I want to be! Are you?

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