April 17, 2013

Veggie-Packed Couscous!

SoOo...I've been trying my hand at "food prepping". Essentially I'm really just trying to keep myself from being tempted to stop by a fast food joint...thus saving money, my thighs, my belly and my health! This is also a clean eating recipe!!

I would say I'm at the beginning stages of learning how to food prep. I basically know how to make a big batch of something I know will last through the week so I can spoon it on into Tupperware containers and take for lunch. This week I made couscous...my new obsession and rice replacement. Couscous is literally FAST AS HELL to make! On top of that it's got
~6 grams of protein per cup
~2.2 grams of fiber per cup
~43 mcg of selenium per cup (antioxidant)
~& 1 cup is only 176 calories...lower than brown rice and quinoa!

OH...and it's so yummy and all the different veggies & meats you can put into it or along side it are endless. Here is the one I made the other night:

I grabbed a few veggies that I had cut up for the week and sauteed them with some olive oil. This time I used kale, tomatoes (red and yellow) and mushrooms. Check out those amazing colors!

The couscous I have right now is 1 cup of couscous to 1 cup of water. Super easy to remember. After making the couscous all I do is mix in my veggies....how freakin' simple is that?! Here was the end result.

And here is my little collage I used for Instagram. Prepped veggies-->sauteed veggies-->final product! My recipe is below. (I added some dried cranberries on a whim to add some sweetness....so happy I did because they added an amazing touch)

Veggie-Packed Couscous


~2 cups of couscous
 (this makes my entire batch for the work week, taking a small Tupperware full each day)
~2 cups of water
 (or however your couscous package says to prepare 2 cups of couscous)
~2-3 handfuls of chopped kale
~4-5 handfuls of chopped cherry and sweet yellow tomatoes
~2 cups chopped baby portabello mushrooms
~3/4 cup dried cranberries
~olive oil for sauteing veggies
~splash of lemon juice to taste on final product
~salt to taste 
~any other yummy seasonings you decide to throw in

1.) Bring water to boil over high heat
2.) Stir in couscous and immediately remove from oven
3.) Cover pot and let sit for five minutes 
4.) Heat olive oil in a saute pan over medium heat
5.) Saute veggies about 5 minutes and add seasonings to taste 
6.) Mix veggies into couscous and season to taste again. (Sometimes I add a small amount of olive oil to the final dish to give it a little more flavor)
7.) Keep in refrigerator for up to one week and enjoy all throughout week!

<3 ky

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