November 20, 2013

My Loves! (1st edition)

So now that Royce is ONE (tear tear) I decided to put together some of the things I'm in love with right now! I'll be doing this often because I am Dora Kylee The Explorer and I am always finding things I can't get enough of. I don't want to keep them all to myself....or do I?!

Here they are: 

1.) If anyone knows me...they know I love COLOR! When I saw this shirt at OshKosh it screamed BUY I did. Here it is. Then as I'm going to find this link...I see they have a HOODED VERSION like wtf!? Here! Royce looked so cute in this:

2.) I'm also deeply in love with Etsy. I was having a love affair with Etsy about two years before I opened my own store. Here is where you can find these adorable leggings Royce wore for his pictures recently:

3.) Royce doesn't own these pants yet but I have been eye-balling them for a while now. I just need to make the move and get them because they are the cutest khaki jeans I have ever seen! Here they are. 

4.) In the above picture you can also see Royce wearing my newest moccasins. I want them in every size, every color, every style. Right now my favorite shop is Happy and the Hectic!

5.) We went to Barnes and Noble over the weekend because I love perusing the book store like no one else! Royce is SO into reading right now so I thought I would pick him up some books. To my surprise...all of the "I Can Read" books are BUY TWO GET ONE FREE!...basically three hard-cover books for $12!

6.) Toys R Us has this Crayola MESS FREE squishy jelly light up thingy that Royce loves playing with! It's basically a pad with dark gel and it lights up and plays music and --- okay okay I play with it more than him --- but he still loves it too! Here!

7.) Last but not least, I begged my mom to get Royce a wooden tool set for his birthday because he loves to carry around our huge "adult" hammer. Now he has his own and it keeps him busy forever. It's well built and will last through the years. Oh and it's LESS THAN TEN BUCKS! 

Hope you love my first edition favs...they are all affordable and great!! Enjoy!!


November 19, 2013

Lee Lebrada 12 Week Lean Body--OHH YEA!

Let us begin with a preface: I am the type of workout-er who needs to have a SCHEDULE that I can follow to hold myself accountable. Enter:

BEFORE YOU THINK IT~~ No...this site is not just for body not let this scare you into thinking you will end up with popping arms veins, scary large legs and a bulging neck. I've seen those women...WHOA GIRL. is for everyone and I love it. Under the trainers section you can choose your gender, what type of girl/guy you want to look like and your goals. Then the site will set you up with trainers you can choose from...and begin their programs. 

I chose Lee Lebrada's 12 Week Lean Body program found here. I'm almost done with my 12 weeks and I feel amazing! I have NOT been staring at the scale so I have no clue how much weight I have lost. I chose not to obsess over the scale...because I would do exactly that...OBSESS.  Instead...I have measured the part I want to lose the most...dun dun dun BABY BELLLLLLLLLLLLY. Proud to say...I have lost two inches already and can tell a huge difference when I do that side stance in the mirror.

Below is what I love the most about You set up your own "BodySpace" and when you start your 12 weeks it sets up a calendar for you to track your workouts everyday. Yes....on this you can workout everyday. However, the workouts are no longer than 45 minutes long. This works for me for the most part. I do occasionally miss a day. But this calendar keeps me accountable--I need structure!

On this program you basically have the following types of days:

Cardio Day
Legs & Ab Day
Shoulders & Triceps Day
Back & Biceps/Cardio Day

I absolutely love this layout! I love that when I have my cardio's JUST cardio day...and I'm done for the night!...Except on back day...but back day only consists of four workouts and then 20-30 minutes of cardio. So simple. The other days are just lifting weight with the appropriate area of the body and Lee chooses what workouts to do for you. Again, so simple.

I always thought I needed to be a cardio bunny. I have learned through much research that this is not true. Even MORE important is LIFTING WEIGHTS!

Women please listen to me when I say:

For some reason women are scared of weight lifting when really it's the best thing you can do. Muscle burns fat like lift lift lift! I bought this book and it's amazing! Tons of pictures and variation to work every inch of your body!

Do not skimp when you are lifting your weights. When you choose your weight...make sure that at the end of your set of 8-10 that your muscles are bUrNiNg! Rest for one minute and repeat...Just like Lee says ;)

I have been amazed that in this 12 weeks...well lets say this last 8 weeks when I realized that I was letting myself lift way too much strength I have gained. My legs look amazing and feel so strong!

Okay...enough for today...check out is something for everyone and great training programs. Look through them and find one that fits you best and DO THE 12 WEEKS! (most are 12 week programs). Twelve weeks is not a long time to turn your body around and get on the right track for life! Give yourself the favor of 12 weeks!


November 14, 2013

I've been a naughty blogger

Last blog post in April? I guess life has just grabbed me around the neck and shook me around a little bit!

Boo is just growing up so fast and I feel like any other mom out I'm spinning a million miles an hour trying to keep it all strait.

Here's little chachki:

This pic is from his one year birthday...eeeeeek I can't believe my baby is already a year...tear tear!

But Etsy store is now open! Well, it has been open for a little over a month now. I spent so much time preparing and learning for this little dream shop of mine and I could not be happier that it is finally coming together! I have so many ideas flowing through my head that I had to start an online journal just to keep them all strait. There will be much more to come from here....and something I'm even more excited about here in the near future...a SECOND oh em gee! ;))

Here's some cuties from the shop:

Love them all...don't you ?!?! ;) this little life of mine...I am still in the process of working-out-my-ass-off. Well, actually I'm building quite a fantastic ass from all the squats I have been doing! Remember that squat post I posted when I posted it? If not, check out my workout section...I'm telling you doing this just for THE ONE MONTH changed my ass! I use heavy weights and oh man...mah man is lovin' it <3 Now if I can squat my baby belly away?

More on this will come later <3 Muahh!